Photos of Lambs

Homepage :: Wildlife and Pets :: Lambs

Leaping Lambs T2E8541
Leaping Lambs T2E8541
Lambs Watching The Big Fight T2E9204
Lambs Watching The Big Fight T2E9204
Bleating Lamb Next To Shelter T2E9280
Bleating Lamb Next To Shelter T2E9280
Lamb Eating Grass T2E9256
Lamb Eating Grass T2E9256
Lamb And Mother Sheep Eating Grass T2E9262
Lamb And Mother Sheep Eating Grass T2E9262
Leaping Lamb In Field T2E8524
Leaping Lamb In Field T2E8524
Lamb Bleating In Field Of Grass T2E9298
Lamb Bleating In Field Of Grass T2E9298
Lamb Suckling From Its Mother T2E9157
Lamb Suckling From Its Mother T2E9157
Two Lambs T2E8477
Two Lambs T2E8477
Lambs Suckling Milk From Mother T2E9216
Lambs Suckling Milk From Mother T2E9216
Suckling Lambs With Mother T2E9300
Suckling Lambs With Mother T2E9300
Lambs Behind Wire Fence T2E9277
Lambs Behind Wire Fence T2E9277
Lamb Laying In Field Of Grass T2E9202
Lamb Laying In Field Of Grass T2E9202
Lamb Eating Grass T2E9289
Lamb Eating Grass T2E9289
Two Lambs Headbutting T2E8490
Two Lambs Headbutting T2E8490
Humping Lambs T2E8538
Humping Lambs T2E8538
Lamb With Mother T2E8504
Lamb With Mother T2E8504
Several Lambs Lazing In Field Of Grass T2E9188
Several Lambs Lazing In Field Of Grass T2E9188

All photos and content copyright Paul Mutton 2004-2013. All photos are for personal non-commercial offline use only. Please contact me to discuss licensing arrangements for alternative uses, including (but not limited to) reproducing photos (or parts thereof) in books, magazines, newspapers, websites, posters, paintings, drawings, etc. Most images are also available in high quality 300 dpi TIFF or JPEG format. All black and white photos are also available in color.

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