Photos of Nijmegen Vierdaagse 2008
Homepage :: Events :: Nijmegen Vierdaagse 2008

Nijmegen Injuries

P1000459 Nijmegen Walk of the World

P1000907 The finish line

P1000906 The finish line

P1000921 Motorway through Ashford, Kent

P1000495 Nijmegen Portaloos

P1000773 Nijmegen support vehicles at rest area

P1000880 The final 5km

P1000676 Marching through fog over bridge

P1000730 Walking at Nijmegen

P1000589 Walking at Nijmegen

P1000756 Pontoon bridge

P1000829 Final rest area

P1000483 Walking along a dyke

P1000591 Walking in Nijmegen

P1000674 Union Jack in front of bridge

P1000665 Soldiers marching with flag

P1000673 Soldiers and civilians marching in front of bridge

P1000801 Armchair on Via Gladiola

P1000784 Via Gladiola

P1000719 Typical Dutch House

P1000749 Walking over a pontoon bridge

P1000850 Soldiers at final rest area

P1000656 Wilma the cat

P1000770 Inflatable Leek

P1000785 walking down Via Gladiola

P1000824 Soldiers near Nijmegen

P1000858 Leaving the final rest area

P1000815 US Army Solder at Nijmegen

P1000500 Bench at rest stop

P1000567 BDWF and British Military rest stops

P1000536 Nearing the end of day 2

P1000699 Nijmegen waypost

P1000909 Chips with mayo

P1000816 Military vehicle at Nijmegen

P1000577 Walking by a river

P1000757 Helicopter

P1000499 Rest Stop

P1000832 Soldiers at final rest area

P1000501 BDWF Rest Stop

P1000879 The final 5km

P1000611 US Army marching at Nijmegen

P1000519 Bridge near Nijmegen

P1000486 Walking along a dyke

P1000704 Swedish military at Nijmegen

P1000713 Korps Commandotroepen sign

P1000654 Nijmegen Vierdaagse

P1000695 Marching

P1000767 Rest stop

P1000825 Walking 195km for a McDonalds

P1000467 Heading to the 4am start

P1000533 Israeli flag in Nijmegen

P1000653 Still walking

P1000716 Mankini man with police

P1000878 The final 5km

P1000863 The final 5km

P1000502 BDWF rest stop

P1000664 British Military Contingent rest area

P1000731 Waiting for a train to cross

P1000908 Medal collecting

P1000616 Walking through the spectators

P1000775 Grumpy walker

P1000590 Dutch windmill

P1000661 The Nijmegen 4daagse barometer

P1000490 Bridge in Nijmegen

P1000470 Waiting for the start

P1000817 Soldiers marching towards Nijmegen

P1000714 Walking Nijmegen in the rain in a mankini

P1000912 Nijmegen, powered by Sudocrem
All photos and content copyright
Paul Mutton
All photos are for personal non-commercial offline use only.
Please contact me
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Most images are also available in high quality 300 dpi TIFF or JPEG format.
All black and white photos are also available in color.
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